Sunday, March 27, 2011

Was Molly a hero?

I think Molly was a hero because she did not give in to hardships or the luxury at the camps, but instead she chose the hard path back home to her mom with her siblings. She took risks and made a daring escape alone with no guidance, so I think she is a hero for her bravery and her survival skills. She is also a hero for not leaving her siblings and taking them along with her.


  1. I find it interesting that you use the word "luxury" to describe the camp but I think Gracie gives the indication that she would rather stay because it "wasn't so bad?"

    I agree that Molly is a hero because she risks the ease of staying at the camp, in order to follow her heart and do what she thinks is right.

  2. I find it interesting to read the passage that you have written and I like the word choice you have taken in this passage. And I agree that Molly was a hero and was brave to lead one of her siblings to her mom.
