Monday, March 28, 2011

Apology to the Aboriginals

Concerning the past ill treatment and horrors inflicted upon Aboriginal Australia and its people by the white people during the colonization period, I think that a formal apology would be appropriate. Firstly, upon the arrival of the First Fleet, Aboriginals were shot cruelly just for fun, with no regards to the fact that they are also human. Then later on, their lands were taken away from them by the settlers, and many were left homeless. Furthermore, efforts to "breed out" the Aboriginals was and perhaps is still the hardest blow upon the indigenous people; children were forcefully separated from their parents, the race was dying out along with its ancient culture and heritage because the population was declining rapidly. After all these years of relentless abuse and violence, the Aboriginals of Australia deserve a heartfelt apology and a better life.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Was Molly a hero?

I think Molly was a hero because she did not give in to hardships or the luxury at the camps, but instead she chose the hard path back home to her mom with her siblings. She took risks and made a daring escape alone with no guidance, so I think she is a hero for her bravery and her survival skills. She is also a hero for not leaving her siblings and taking them along with her.