Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome

One of the most important prompts to Filippo Brunelleschi's extraordinary success in building his dome was probably courage. To build the dome one would need to have tremendous courage because great skill, engineering and considerable risks had to be taken. To build the dome was to do something no one else had ever done before, and to redefine architecture and engineering of his days. Without this courage Brunelleschi would have never been able to even start thinking about accepting the task, let alone building it.

The actions and decisions of a person can greatly effect change, like in Brunelleschi's dome for example. If the magistrates had not allowed Brunelleschi to build the dome, or if Brunelleschi had never built it, Florence would not become as famous as it was, and architects and engineers today might still be working with the "basic" knowledge, and might not be able to progress further.